SHATIN CHURCH Growing in Jesus SHATIN CHURCH Sharing our lives, SHATIN CHURCH Reaching the world

Welcome to Shatin Church!

Shatin Church is an international, English-speaking Anglican church grounded in God’s Word and enjoying contemporary worship.  We are a vibrant community of young and old who are growing in Jesus, sharing our lives, and reaching the world.  We have been serving the English speaking community in Hong Kong and the New Territories for thirty years.

Sunday Worship

10:15 Service (with Children and Youth Programmes)*

*Communion on second and fourth Sundays

Our Location

Our Ministries

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids is our Children’s Ministry.  We meet during the 10:15am service.  All children from 0-10 yrs are welcome to join us for exciting Bible teaching, singing, crafts, games and fun.

Solid Rock Youth Group

Solidrock is the youth program for youth between 11-17 years old.  Come along to learn and grow with other teenagers.  We meet on Saturdays at 4:30-7:00PM at the church center and during Sunday service at 10:15am.

Links Small Group

Christ has called us to live our new lives in close fellowship with other Christians.  In small groups, we’ll grow in Jesus, share our lives and reach those around us.  Join us in one of our ten small groups!

Events and Training

Join Us!

Ash Wednesday Service (Mar 5)

We will have an Ash Wednesday service on Mar 5 at 8pm to mark the start of Lent, leading up to Easter. Join us at the church centre in Shek Mun.

Holy Week at Shatin Church

Make plans to join us for our Holy Week Services as we gather to remember our Lord Jesus Christ. Bring your friends!


Recent Sermons