Share a Peace Box!

Our church family, along with other churches in HK through the Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor, is packing Peace Boxes for the underprivileged this Easter.  Below here is the step by step instruction for the campaign.


A peacebox is a decorated box with gifts. As boxes will not be provided, please get clean and solid cardboard gift boxes sized approximately Length 11″ x Width 9″ x Height 5″.  A good shoebox will do!


decide who you’d like to give the box to!  You can pack boxes for – kids, youth, families or the elderly. Please stick to the guidelines below for do’s and don’t’s:

Drop Off

Please drop off your boxes by February 27th at the Church Centre or with a staff member.  We encourage you to write a note for those who might receive your gift.

End Collection Date

The deadline is February 27th.

Thank you so much for participating in the campaign.  Let’s pray your gifts will bless many in this Easter season!
