Solid Rock
About Us
Welcome to Solidrock Youth page. Here you will find all you need to know about our youth program. Solidrock is the youth program designed to come along side parents in discipling their teenagers. Solidrock is intentionally set up so that the Youth will have different opportunities to learn about the Bible and be engaged with other adult mentors.
On Sundays, there is youth Sunday school at 10:15 at Shatin Church where the youth will engage in the biblical text. In the form of in depth Bible studies the youth will engage in the text of the Bible. On the fourth and fifth Sundays, the youth will be in the service using the gifts God has given them during the service. They will be encouraged to serve on different teams such as the worship team, welcoming, team and others.
On Saturdays, the youth will be able to discover the gifts God has given them through this fellowship. The students will be in charge of several aspects of the ministry including the welcoming, worship leading, and teaching. In the program, the youth will learn the importance of the Gospel and how to live out Gospel centered lives. We meet most Saturday afternoons from 4:30 till 7 pm and hang out for fun + games, worship and a bible study or talk. Some weeks we will go out for a social or join other Hong Kong youth groups on Friday nights, like Stand at St Andrews.
For more information contact
Mission, Vision, Values
Mission Statement
Making Disciples, Maturing Spiritually, and Mission
Our mission is to make disciples of youth students by redeeming them through the power of the gospel, maturing them spiritually through the church community, and sending them out on mission to their schools and the nations.
Vision Statement
Our Vision is to see the youth grow in their faith, find what God has gifted them in and use those gifts to do His kingdom work. Our vision is to see the youth become passionate for Christ and excited to learn about God’s Word. Our vision is to see the youth go and share the Gospel and make disciples to their friends and to the nations.
Solidrock has five core values: Gospel, Missions, Discipleship, Family, and Service.
Gospel Romans 1:16-17
Missions Matthew 28:16-20
Discipleship 2 Timothy 2:2
Family Ephesians 4:1-6
Service 1 Peter 4:9-11
Join Us Here
Saturday Fellowship
4:30pm to 7:00pm
Shatin Church
8/F, Unit K, Kings Wing Plaza Phase II
1 On Kwan Street, Shek Mun
Saturday Program
4:30-5:00- Band Practice
4:30-5:20- Hang Out
5:20-5:40- Welcome and Icebreakers
5:40-5:50- 5 Min Gospel
5:50-6:05- Praise and Worship
6:05-6:25- Talk (Mini Sermon)
6:25-7:00- Discussion and Prayer
Sunday School
Shatin Church
SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School
City One, Shatin
Sunday Program
10:15-10:30- Praise and Worship in the hall
10:30-10:45- Welcome and Icebreakers
10:45-11:15- Bible Study in small groups
11:15-11:30- Challenge and Prayer
Every fourth and fifth Sunday of the month are Youth Serving Sundays where the youth stay in the main hall and serve in different ways.
Youth Registration

Please Register your youth here
At Shatin Church the safety of our youth is one of our main priorities. One of the ways that we are able to keep your youth safe is by having a registered list of every kid in our youth program. This list provides us with crucial information about your youth including allergies and medical information. Also in case of an emergency we would be able to contact you through the contact information given to us. If you are interested in having your teens join us please fill out the form that is posted in the link below.
Theme and Curriculum
Solidrock Saturday
Christ Followers
This year’s theme is Christ Followers. This year we will be discovering God’s call for us as His followers by learning how to glorify Him in everything we do through the book of 2 Corinthians and through the first part Joshua.
Solidrock Sunday

Explore the Bible Curriculum
On Sundays we use the Explore the Bible curriculum for our in depth Bible Studies. This term we will be exploring the books of 1 and 2 Kings.