Training Seminars
The apostle Paul wants us to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Eph 4:12), so the church can live out its calling. These training courses complement our sermons and Links groups by covering important skills and topics that are better taught in a course or seminar. We have two main streams:

These cover essential skills and topics that we believe every Christian should learn at some point. Past courses include How to Read the Bible, Evangelism and Belonging to Shatin Church.

These courses allow you to explore topics that are important but more of special interest rather than essential. Past courses include Reading the Old Testament, Cults and Understanding the End TImes.
Our courses are held on Sunday mornings when people are most available. Generally this will be after the Sunday service.
Last we year ran courses on evangelism, devotion, church membership, dealing with political disagreements and the Trinity.
Upcoming course
STC Explore: Jesus in the Old Testament – 5-26 September
Did Abraham know Jesus? What prophecies are there of Jesus in the OT? Does every OT passage speak of Jesus? Increase your confidence in the Bible and enrich your reading by joining our 4-week training course! 9:30-10:45 in room 108.